Thursday, August 18, 2011

i'm not there yet, but i'm closer than yesterday♥

I'm not that far in yet, but I'm already making progress. Its hard. It's really freaking hard. Sometimes I wonder "should I quit?" But then the voice of Ana speaks up and gives me some tough love. Usually its something about being strong. Strong people dont quit. Weak people quit. If youre going to be strong, then you have to be diciplined and in controll of yourself.**********************************************************************************
I'm losing it faster than I expected, but I assume thats because of my high metabolism. I can already see my hipbones a little and a couple of my ribs a little.
I'm starting school on the 24th and it upsets me that Im not where I thought I'd be by now. But I'm chugging along. It'll get easier during school, I'm guessing, because I wont have access to food.
My moms getting kinda nosy though, she keeps trying to make me eat. she told me a week or so ago that I'm anorexic and I told her no, I've just had a bug and it makes me feel sick. But she looked at me with a look like "please, I'm not a total dumbass" and said that she was going to make me stop and so sometimes she makes me eat [she's mostly forgotten :D ], but I'll hide it or throw it away or something. It just makes me so mad that she thinks she'll "cure me" [oh, please, peope!] by forcing me [in vain] to eat. Then, as if to make me even more agitated, she sometimes claims that she was anorexic in her 20s!!! [but really it was just getting a little broke up over a bad breakup and getting a little bit too skinny. she's never relapsed or ever had any other feelings that would suggest anorexia.] *sigh....* well, I'm kinda rambling so later!

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